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Byavisa Moss featured an article about Rasmus Sørnes (in Norwegian).


New section added, prototypes, with unique photos and video content of prototypes and unfinished work.


As Borgarsyssel Museum undergoes renovation this year, clock number 3 has been moved to Inspiria Science Center, Sarpsborg. More information and pictures can be found here.


Clock number 1, which was temporarily on display at Inspiria Science Center for a year, has been returned to the private owner.


The lead below turned out to be a dead end. Mr. Halim is not the current owner of the clock, but he was kind enough to supply us with the name of a person that might have more information.


Found an interesting article about the 2004 Sotheby's auction of the Time Museum. Accordingly, more than 20% of the lots were bought by real-estate millionaire Cameel Halim, Chicago. Another big spender at the auction was a british collector, not attending personally.

In this article from 2007, Mr. Halim reveals his plans of a new time museum in Evanston, Illinois. More details about the planned museum can be found here. Sadly, the building was destroyed in a fire in March 2011, when the renovation was nearly completed. No clocks were in the destroyed building.

The plans for a new building were approved in August 2011, and the museum is scheduled to open in 2013 according to this article. More information can be found on the official website for Halim Tiffany Window and Time Museum.


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